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persiiasn gulf

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Q: What body of water has the most oil deposits around it?
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How do you remove mineral deposits?

To remove mineral deposits, you can soak the affected item in a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight, then scrub or rinse off the deposits. Repeat if necessary.

How did alkalinity get into water?

Alkalinity in water occurs when there are naturally occurring minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and bicarbonates dissolved in the water. These minerals can raise the pH level of the water and make it alkaline. Alkalinity can also be influenced by human activities such as wastewater discharges and industrial processes.

Is water the most abundant compound in living things?


Is there a service bulletin for 1997 Chevy blazer throttle body hanging open?

There may be but in most cases the throttle body sticks from carbon deposits built up. Try spraying throttle body cleaner down the throat and around the throttle butterfly.

What most of the bodys water exits as?

Most of the body's water exits the body as?

How do you remove calcium deposits out of the actual water?

You can remove calcium deposits from water by using a water softener system or by using a descaler product specifically designed to break down and remove calcium buildup. It's important to regularly maintain and clean your water appliances and fixtures to prevent calcium deposits from building up in the first place.

What is the blood that moves to the most part of the body?

Um. All blood moves around your body. That is like asking, what part of the water washes the most of my car.

What type of water body has the most evaporation?

well the body of water that has the most evaporation is the ocean

What is the most abundant organic compound in the body?

The most abundant organic compound in the body is water. This is used as a solvent in various reactions in the body.

What body's of water does the most evaporation occur?

This body of water is an ocean.

What is the body most composed of?

The human body consists of mostly water.

Where did California's gold and silver deposits form?

Most of the places where the Gold Rush occurred in California were in Northern California. There are also gold deposits around the Sierra Nevada Mountains.