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Scarlet fever is a disease caused by an exotoxin released by Streptococcus pyogenes. It is characterized by sore throat, fever, a 'strawberry tongue', and a fine sandpaper rash over the upper body that may spread to cover the uvula (Forchheimer spots).

* Bright red tongue with a "strawberry" appearance

* Characteristic rash, which:

* is fine, red, and rough-textured; it blanches upon pressure

* appears 12-48 hours after the fever

* generally starts on the chest, axilla (armpits), and behind the ears

* is worse in the skin folds

* Pastia lines (where the rash becomes confluent in the arm pits and groins) appear and persist after the rash is gone

* The rash begins to fade three to four days after onset and desquamation (peeling) begins. "This phase begins with flakes peeling from the face. Peeling from the palms and around the fingers occurs about a week later ."[1] Peeling also occurs in axilla, groin, and tips of the fingers and toes.[2]

Diagnosis of scarlet fever is clinical. The blood tests shows marked leukocytosis with neutrophilia and conservated or increased eosinophils, high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP), and elevation of antistreptolysin O titer. Blood culture is rarely positive, but the streptococci can usually be demonstrated in throat culture. The complications of scarlet fever include septic complications due to spread of streptococcus in blood and immune-mediated complications due to an aberrant immune response. Septic complications, today rare, include ear and sinus infection, streptococcal pneumonia, empyema thoracis, meningitis and full-blown sepsis, upon which the condition may be called malignant scarlet fever.

Immune complications include acute glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever and erythema nodosum. The secondary scarlatinous disease, or secondary malignant syndrome of scarlet fever, includes renewed fever, renewed angina, septic ear, nose, and throat complications and kidney infection or rheumatic fever and is seen around the eighteenth day of untreated scarlet fever.

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Your skin is affected by scarlet fever.

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Where is scarlet fever in the body?

in throut

When was scarlet fever prevalent?

Scarlet fever is a disease that attacks children. It causes fever, a red rash, and can be deadly if not treated quickly. Though no exact date for the discovery of the illness exists, it was being written about by Hippocrates in the 400s BC.

What does scarlet fever do to your body?

It gives you rashes and a swelling tounge!

What is the shape of scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever is a case of strep throat with a bright red rash. The rash does not have a specific shape, but it will appear bright red and all over the body.

How long is scarlet fever incubated in the body before it appears?

10-14 days

Is the body weak after scarlet fever?

It can be but it is not likely, scarlet fever is a severe case of strep throat mixed with a rash.

Why is scarlet fever called scarlet fever?

Scarlet Fever is named such because of it's most visible symptom, a distinctive red rash which begins on the neck and chest, then spreads to other areas on the body. Although other symptoms, such as fever, sore throat, and swollen tongues, also accompany the infection, the rash is the most noticeable.

Why does scarlet fever rash last so long?

Because the scarlet fever releases exotoxins into your body... The rash is your body's allergic reaction to those exotoxins. And it usual takes six to nine days for your body to remove the exotoxins so that is why the rash stays for so long... hope this helps

How does mononucleosis affect body systems?

Fever, sore throat, extreme lethargy, enlarged spleen, body aches

How does scarlet fever attack and spread?

Scarlet fever attacks by giving a person a red rash that has a sandpaper like feeling around the body also it can cause strep throat, red line's in certain areas, bumps on the tongue, face paleness, throat and gland problems, nausea and headache's. Scarlet fever is spread by a toxin that's released into the bloodstream.

What body systems will the athma affect?

It will affect your lungs and breathing.

Are your chances higher of getting scarlet fever once you've had it?

Yes because your body already use to all the symptoms