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When two atoms form a compound by sharing valence electrons, it is a covalent bond. This is opposed to an ionic bond which features a full transfer of electrons.

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1d ago

A covalent bond is formed when two atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons. In this type of bond, the shared electrons move between the nuclei of the atoms, creating a stable arrangement and holding the atoms together.

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7y ago

A single covalent bond

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11y ago

Covalent bond

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Q: What bond is formed when 2 atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons?
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What is the total number of valence electrons in oxygen?

The answer is not 6 as said here before! The number of valence electrons in O2 (oxygen molecule) is: 12 valence electrons. 6 of them from each oxygen (O) atom. 4 valence electrons make up the double bond between the two oxygen atoms, and the remaining 8 valence electrons form lone pairs (non-bonding pairs) on the oxygen atoms, 2 lone pairs on each. I hope there is some help in this.

Covalent bonds form when atoms share one or more pairs of?

Covalent bonds form when atoms share one or more pairs of electrons between them. This sharing allows both atoms to achieve a more stable electron configuration by filling their outer energy levels. The strength of the covalent bond depends on the number of shared electrons and their distance from the nuclei of the atoms involved.

What two atoms share two pairs of electrons a what is formed?

Covalent Bond

What is formed when two atoms sharing two pairs of electrons called?

A covalent double bond is formed.

Atoms of some elements can share three pairs of electrons. True or false?

True. Nitrogen can share three pairs of electrons and has a lone pair of electrons for a total of eight in it's valence shell

What type of bond is formed when atoms share two pairs of electrons?

Covalent bonds

How do ionic bond and covalent bond differ?

In ionic bonding, atoms of one element transfer electrons to the other so that both have stable configurations. In this type of bonding, outer-shell electrons are transferred from some atoms to the orbit of other atoms. Thus, atoms are ionized,those which give up electrons become negative ions. This creates an electrostatic bonding force between the atoms and is called ionic bonding. But in covalent bonding the valence electrons are not transferred from one atoms to the another atoms as in ionic crystals, but the neighbor atoms share their valence electrons under the formation of strong homopolar or covalent bonds. Thus, covalent bonds are formed by the shared electrons pairs between the valence electrons in the incomplete outer shell of the atoms.

When two pairs of electrons (four total electrons) are shared between two atoms a bond is formed.?

A double bond._.

When two pairs of electrons (four total electrons) are shared between two atoms a bond is formed?

A double bond._.

Why do two oxygen atoms must share four electrons when they form a covalent bond?

Two oxygen atoms must share four electrons in a covalent bond in order to achieve a full outer shell of eight electrons, which provides the most stable electronic configuration, known as the octet rule. By sharing four electrons, each oxygen atom can complete its own outer shell, leading to a more stable molecule.

A covalent bond formed when two atoms share two pairs of electrons?

double bond

This type of bond is formed when atoms share three pairs of electrons?

A triple covalent bond.