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Q: What bond is most likely to form between 2 gold atoms?
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Are magnesium and chlorine most likely to form a metallic bond?

No. They will most likely form an ionic bond. Metallic bonds form between the atoms of a metal, such as gold or iron.

What chemical bond is likely to form between the atoms?

You think probable to ionic or covalent bonds.

What type of bond is most likely to form between two gold atoms?

Shi* ummmm.......metallic

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When sodium atoms (Na) and chlorine atoms (Cl) join to make sodium chloride or table salt they form an ionic bond. Using this information which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic bond?

Ionic bond exist between metals and nonmetals.

When is a covalent bond most likely to be polar?

A covalent bond is most likely to be polar when there is a large difference in the electronegativity of the two atoms that form the bond.

If the difference in electronegativity between atoms of different non-metals is small the atoms of the two non-metals will most likely?

Form a covalent electron sharing bond.

When does a covalent bond form between two atoms?

atoms share two electrons

Do alloys form an ionic bond or a metallic bond?

Alloys form metallic bonds between the metal atoms.

What type of bond would likely form with Helium and Helium atoms?

No bond at all, He has a complete outer shell

Which characterizas the bond formed between two indentical atoms?

Depends. Metal atoms form metallic bonds. nonmetals form nonpolar covalent bonds.