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Q: What bonds form between two iodine atoms?
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How does saturated fat effect iodine atoms?

unsaturated are oils that have double bonds in their structure because there is not enough hydrogen atoms to bond with the carbon atoms. In such case, carbon atoms bond to each others to form double or triple bonds. adding iodine, saturates the oil as iodine atoms bond to carbon atoms as if they were hydrogen atoms. This is an answer to the question that should read: How does iodine affect unsaturated fats?

Can Phosphorous and Iodine form a covalent bond?

According to two Wikipedia articles, phosphorus and iodine can form phosphorus triiodide (PI3) and diphosphorus tetraiodide (P2I4). These compounds are made from the covalent bonding between the phosphorus and iodine atoms. Nonmetals tend to form covalent bonds with other nonmetals.

What is used to form bonds in an atom?

Bonds between atoms involve electrons.

What is a covalent bonds form?

covalent bonds are formed when electrons are shared between atoms.

Will the attraction between various combinations of atoms produce bonds which form molecules?

The attraction between various combinations of atoms do indeed produce bonds which form molecules. An example of this is water, as hydrogen and oxygen atoms form H2O molecules.

Which characterizas the bond formed between two indentical atoms?

Depends. Metal atoms form metallic bonds. nonmetals form nonpolar covalent bonds.

What is the bond If atom X forms a diatomic molecule with itself?

Diatomic bonds are covalent bonds between two of the same atoms. These atoms are the ones that end with -genElements that form diatomic molecules:HydrogenOxygenFlourine*Chlorine*Bromine*Iodine*Astatine**note that these elements are in the halogen group

What causes chemical bonds to form between atoms?

transferring or sharing electrons

Is it true that when atoms form bonds electrons may be transfered or shared between atoms?


how to add chemical compounds?

chemical bonds form between their atoms.

How many atoms of iodine in strontium iodide?

Strontium and iodine would form ionic bonds in a compound with formula SrI2.

Covalent bonds form due to the attraction between .?

Covalent bonds are formed by sharing electrons between two atoms.