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your boyfriends 'bone'

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Q: What bone is immovable in the jaw bone attached to?
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Related questions

Where is muscle attached to bone?

muscle attaches to bone by a tendon. muscle is attached to an immovable bone, this is called orgin, and the other end of the muscle is attached to a movable bone. this is called insertion.

Which is the movable bone in human skull and face?

The mandible, or the jaw bone.

What is the jaw bone?

It is the bone that is attached to the bottom of your skull, where your bottom teeth are.

How is a tooth attached to the bone of the jaw?

The root ot a tooth is attached to an alevouls (socket in the jaw bone) as follows: Dentin (from the tooth) attaches to a substance called cementum; cementum attaches to a periodontal ligament; the ligament attaches to the jaw bone

What will happen if your lower jaw is immovable?

If the lower jaw is immovable you won't be able to eat or talk as there will be no movement in the jaws.

Where is located the mandible?

The mandible is located on your skull. It is attached to your skull. It is called your JAW.

What bone in a human is immovable?

the skull is an immovable bone in the human body

What are the immovable joints of the cranial bones known as?

The cranial bones are fused together at immovable joints known as sutures. The skull contains 22 bones of which 21 are fused together at these joints. The only skull bone that is capable of movement is the jaw bone.

Can snake chew?

no they swallow by whole cause they have an flexible jaw bone which two halves that is not attached and numerous other joints in the skull especially the lower jaw bone that makes them eat almost anything

What could a small hard immovable lump that can be felt just inside the nostril along the bone connected to your jaw and is very painful be?

look at it closely could be a blackhead or pimple

what are the skull, all bones are _________________, except those of the lower jaw.?


The bones in your head are mostly attached by sutures and don't move But what is the only head bone that does move?
