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sella turcica

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Q: What bone surrounds the pituitary gland?
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What bones would most likely be involved in surgery to remove a tumor on the pituitary gland?

SphenoidThe sella turcica of the sphenoid bone surrounds the pituitary gland

What paranasal sinus surrounds the pituitary gland?

Sphenoidal sinus

Which bone serves as an enclosure for the pituitary gland?

Sphenoid Bone. Along the midline within the cranial cavity, a portion of the sphenoid bone indents to form the "saddle-shaped" Sella Turcica. The pituitary gland occupies this depression. The Sphenoid bone also contains two sphenoidal sinuses.

What is that bone formation that the pituitary gland is resting in?

Sphenoid bone

What is the bony region of the pituitary gland?

its not a bone its blood

What bones house the pituitary gland?

sphenoid bone

The pituitary gland rests on what structure of which bone?

Hypophysial fossa of the Sphenoid bone

What contains a saddle that houses the pituitary gland?

The sphenoid contains a saddle that houses the pituitary gland. The sphenoid is a bone that is located in the skull.

What structure connects the pituitary gland to the underside of the brain?

The infundibulum is the structure that connects the pituitary gland to the rest of the brain. Although sufficient support of the pituitary gland is provided by the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone.

Which gland is located in the sella turcia?

In the sphenoid bone in the middle of the skull. It is shaped like a Turkish saddle, hence the name and it houses the pituitary gland, the most protected gland in the body.

Which gland starts the process of puberty?

Puberty is started by a sudden increase in hormones, released by the Pituitary gland.

What organ is located in the hypophyseal fossa of the sphenoid bone?

pituitary gland