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The maxillae contain sinuses, which drain into the nasal passages (paranasal sinuses).

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Q: What bony structures probably became infected by the bacteria or viruses causing the cold?
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What bony structures became infected by bacteria causing a cold if stmptoms were a frontal headache and aches on the right side of the face?

probably your rectus fibularis, which is located in the sattrorial butearis in the congelitus

What is one problem that exists today in the use of phage to kill bacteria causing disease?

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How is RMSF spread?

The bacteria causing RMSF is passed to humans through the bite of an infected tick. The illness begins within about two weeks of such a bite.

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Like other members of the family of Rickettsia, the bacteria causing rickettsialpox live in mice. Tiny mites feed on these infected mice, thus acquiring the organism. When these mites feed on humans, the bacteria can be transmitted.

Why would a gram stain be ordered during surgery?

to determine a type of bacteria. This question is very vague. I will assume they are doing surgery on something that is infected and to help identify the the bacteria causing the infection, gram stain would be ordered.

What bacteria is found in a fight bite?

Infected clenched fist injuries usually contain several disease-causing bacteria, the most common being Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacteroides sp., Peptostreptococcus sp., and Eikenella corrodens.

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A sample of blood would be taken for culture to determine whether the bacteria have entered the bloodstream. A biopsy (removal of a piece of infected tissue) sample may be taken for culture to identify which type of bacteria is causing the infection.

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Mucus in the respiratory tract traps disease-causing bacteria.

Can a dog give you strep throat?

Dogs can transiently be infected with Group A Strep when in contact with infected humans

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Explain how the bacteria in griffith's experiment were transformed?

The harmless living bacteria took in pneumonia-causing DNA(genes) from the heat-killed, pneumonia-causing bacteria, as a result of which the harmless bacteria changed into bacteria that cause pneumonia.

How did the rats and the fleas pass on the black death?

As trading got more popular more animals where traded rats would be infected with flees as to other animals they were infected also when the animals where killed or, the rats died from the flees they began to host on humans causing many people to die over the time period of The Black Death!