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They're first explained after page 101 of Uglies

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Q: What book and what page from the Uglies series explain about Specials?
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What order do the Uglies series go in?

I know for sure the first three are: Uglies, Pretties, Specials and I believe the fourth is Extras...but I thought it was a 5 book series and I can't figure out what the last one is if there is one??

Where can you find the fifth Uglies book?

There are four books only-- Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras.

What is a good book series?

The uglies series! There are 4 books in the series The Uglies The Pretties The Specials The Extras Also The Alex Rider Series There are 8 Books in this series Stormbreaker Point Blank Skeleten Key Eagle Strike Scorpia Ark Angel Snakehead crocodile Tears

What is the book Extras by Scott Westerfeld about?

It's the fourth book in his Uglies series, and carries on the story with the same characters found in Uglies, Pretties and Specials. The book contains dystopian themes, focussing specifically on artificial beauty in a society where everyone has major cosmetic surgery.

How many books are in the Scott westerfield books called the uglies?

Three: Uglies, Pretties and Specials. There's also a companion book called Extras.

Is there another book coming out after Extras in the Uglies series?

"Extras" is the final book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. There are no planned sequels after "Extras."

Is mind-rain the 5th book of the series uglies?

No, it's a bunch of editorials on the series.

Who is on the cover of each of the uglies series books?

The first book in the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld features a stylized drawing of a girl's face with half of it appearing normal and the other half showing technological enhancements. The second book, "Pretties," features a similar cover but with the girl's face fully "prettified." The third book, "Specials," depicts a more fierce and warrior-like version of the girl's face with advanced enhancements. The fourth book, "Extras," has a cover with a futuristic cityscape.

A good science fiction book?

The Gone series, by Michael Grant: Gone, Hunger, Lies, and Plague (coming out April 5, 2011) More books will be coming out later. Date Unknown. The Uglies series, by Scott Westerfeld: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras The Hunger Games trilogy, by Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay

Is the uglies series a comic book?

There are two graphic novel supplements to the Uglies series, both providing new stories rather than being graphic novel versions of the original books. The two books are called Shay's Storyand Cutters.

When was Uglies published?

On August 5, 2004 the first book in the series was published in the United States.

Which book is a better opyion for a bookreport Uglies or Maximum Ride The Angel Experiment?

"Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld might be a better option for a book report due to its themes related to society and individuality and the potential for in-depth analysis. "Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment" by James Patterson is more of a fast-paced action-adventure story, which could make it harder to explore deeper themes for a book report.