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Q: What book or bible do Shinto religion follow?
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What religion does not lie?

The Book does not lie but they who follow it. And that book is the Bible

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If someone has the bible as their holy book what religion do they follow?

There are different types of Bibles for different religions.

What religion is the book of Malachi?

its not a religion, its the name of a book in the Bible.

Is the qur'an The Bible of judaism?

The Qur'an is the holy book that Muslims, who follow the religion of Islam, believe in. Jews (Judaism) believe in the Torah.

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The Bible= Judaism and christianity.... the bible book of exodus............

Which religion holy book is the Bible?

The Bible is the holy book for Christianity and it's many denominations.

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The Bible is The Holy Book of the Christians

What is the name of Japan's holy book?

Japan does not have a specific holy book like the Bible or Quran. Shintoism and Buddhism are the two major religions in Japan, with various texts and teachings that are considered important.

Which religion holy book is called bible?


Which religion's holy book is called the Bible?


What is the holy book of the Christain religion called?

The Bible.