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For legends of werewolves, you might want to search for books like "The Werewolf in Lore and Legend" by Montague Summers or "The Book of Werewolves" by Sabine Baring-Gould. For vampire legends, you could look for "The Vampire Book: The Encyclopedia of the Undead" by J. Gordon Melton or "Vampires: A Field Guide to the Creatures That Stalk the Night" by Bob Curran.

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Q: What books would you look for for the legends of werewolves and vampires?
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Related questions

How are werewolves born?

Werewolves, like Vampires, are not born, they are made, unless two werewolves mate and produce a child, which would be unfortunate for the child, as they would have to change.

Do vampires drink werewolves blood when the werewolf is in human form?

Doubtful. Vampires and werewolves do not generally get along. With vampires acute sense of smell they would be able to tell a werewolf whether or not the moon was upon them. And would probably avoid drinking from them.

Are werewolves and vampires real?

No... I may agree with this answer but I would say it is only half right. Unlike the legends and tales, today's vampires and warewolves do not get hurt by silver, stakes, holy water, etc. But today's vampires are just normal people who have a thirst for blood and enjoy violence. Werewolves on the otherhand are adventurous and fearless beings who will unleash their inner beast upon their enemies, like an inner rage (There are namerous way to learn this... I tried the self Hypnosis method and it worked)!!!!!no i promise!

How long have vampires and werewolfs been enemies?

Not all vampires and werewolves are enemies. So it really depends on the different werewolves and vampires around because if they are enemies then they would have been enemies since they started disliking each other.

Where are werewolves found?

Werewolf legends and myths can be found in various cultures around the world, including Europe, North America, and Asia. However, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of real werewolves.

What do vampires call werewolves?

That depends, are the vampires and werewolves friends or not? If they are friends, they would probably just call each other by their names. If not, a vampire would call a werewolf a mutt, a stupid dog, and other degrading dog/ behaviour representing names.

Is the twilight novel realistic?

Well no. They are not be because vampires and werewolves don't exist but if they did I guess it would be .. ?

Why are there werewolves in New Moon?

Becuase of the tribal legends it is meant to be and whi would take their place

If Bella chose Jacob would he of imprinted on her because Renesme wouldn't exist?

No because vampires exist when there are werewolves, and Edward and Bella were destined for each other in that way. If vampires and werewolves did not exist then Bella and Jacob would be made for each other as Edward and the others would not be alive and she would have never have met them and Jacob wouldn't be a werewolf as vampires don't exist so he therefore would not imprint on her.

Why do werewolves hate vampires?

In some lore, werewolves and vampires have a natural animosity because they are seen as opposing forces - werewolves being associated with the moon and nature, while vampires are often seen as undead creatures of the night. Additionally, their predatory natures and competition for resources (such as humans for blood) can lead to conflict between the two species.

Is Vampire or werewolf most people like?

Well, we both know vampires and werewolves aren't real, but I know what you mean. I would say that werewolves are more human like than vampires. Vampires are death, drink human blood, are cold, react differently to sunlight. Werewolves are alive, they eat the same as we eat, they are warm and react normal to sunlight. Also, because vampires don't age, they won't age or change anything, because werewolves are alive they do age. So I would definitely say that werewolves are more like humans, because they are all the time just like us, except when it's full moon. In stories they can also be described as aggressive.

Who normally wins werewolves or vampires?

Between a coven and a pack the pack would win due to their power as a team instead of vampires who fight alone.but one on one the werewolf would be absoulite.