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Group A POS and group AB POS can receive group A POS red cell transfusions.

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Q: What boold types can receive A positive?
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What blood types can o plus receive?

Either O positive or O negative.

What is boold?


What other blood groups is o positive compatible with?

A person with O positive blood is compatible for transfusion with other blood types that are also positive (O positive and AB positive). However, O positive blood can also be safely transfused to patients with A positive and B positive blood types in certain circumstances.

If one parent is A positive and the other is O positive what possible blood types?

The possible blood types for their children are A positive or O positive. The child inherits one blood type allele from each parent, so they can receive either the A allele from the A positive parent or the O allele from the O positive parent.

What boold type is cheerokee?

O -

Can O negative Patients receive A positive Platelet?

Platelets do not have blood types, so anyone can receive them from anyone else.

Is B positive a match with A positive for a kidney transplant?

Yes, a recipient with blood type A positive can safely receive a kidney from a donor with blood type B positive through a kidney transplant. This is because blood type A can accept blood types A and O, and blood type B can donate to blood types B and O.

What does it mean to have blood type O positive?

Blood type O positive is considered the "universal donor" because they can safely give blood to all other blood types without harm however the donor can only receive blood from other type O donors. Positive means that they can receive both positive and negative blood type O.

Where does the left half pump its boold?

the aviolie

What does it mean when a newborn has b positive blood?

If a newborn has B positive blood, it means his blood has the B antigen and is Rh positive. There are 4 blood types: A, B, AB, and O. There are two Rh types Rh positive, Rh positive and Rh negative. That simply means what type of blood the baby would receive if it needed a transfusion.

Does YSL offer foundation for a range of skin types?

Yes, Yves Saint Laurent offers foundations for a range of skin types. This is to accommodate multiple types of people and receive positive feedback from consumers.

How can one find out if they have a b positive blood type?

Type B positive blood can be used for blood transfusions but the recipient must be B positive or AB positive. All other blood types can not receive a blood transfusion using blood that is B positive.