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Hi im a little late answering this question but anyway there are many diffrent boy hair cuts such as spikey all over, flat with no spikes and many more there are also many colors like red,green,blue,pink,and brown if you would like a list on how to get these hair cuts i would recommend going to YouTube and you can get the hair cut you like most! i hope this helped

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12y ago
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14y ago

yes you need to get every boys hair cut first and harriet will offer a girls hair cut (girls can get a boys hair cut if they get every girls hair cut)

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Q: What boys hair cuts can you get on animal crossing wild world?
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If you're a girl: Get your hair done by Harriet several days. Soon, Harriet will suggest that you get a boys haircut. She will suggest getting a male haircut every day then. If you're a boy: You're a boy. Why are you asking?

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how about i take animal cuts and lipo 6 black together. Because some of my bodybuilder friend consume this product together and the result so dam fast. any they are winner of the championship and overall champion.