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Q: What branch is limited in the wars power act?
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What branch is the only branch with the power to command the military to commit act of war?

The Legislative branch

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The Legislative Branch

What did British Parliament Act of 1911 accomplish?

It limited the power of the house of lords.

What did the Taft - hartley act do?

The Taft Hartley Act did prohibit the jurisdictional strikes.

What branch has the power to declare an executive act unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch had this power. The process in which this branch declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional is called the Judicial Review

Is the War Power Act unconstitutional?

For the most part Presidents have ignored the War Powers Act partly on the grounds that it is Unconstitutional for one branch of government to either increase or decrease the power of another branch. separation of power

Portions of the national industrial recovery act were ruled unconstitutional because the act gave too much power to-?

Parts of the National Industrial Recovery Act were ruled unconstitutional due to the fact that the act ceded too much power to the executive branch. The act was passed in 1933.

Portions of the national industrial act were ruled unconstitutional because the act gave too much power to who?

the executive branch of goverment

Is China a limited government or unlimited government?

China's government is a communist government. China is a limited government. It is a Dictatorship, but it has clear branches of government that can act as checks and balances to different authorities. There are limits to how much power any one branch can have or impose. However, Chinese citizens have few protections from the government which they can use to protect themselves. Limited Government: A government in which everyone, including those in authority, must obey the laws. This is common in Western culture. The U.S. Constitution is a document that is an example of limiting the power of government.

Portions of the national industrial recovery act were ruled unconstitutional because the act gave too much power to?

the executive branch of goverment

What was the actual effect of the War Powers Act on the President's power?

it makes the presidents power limited and makes congress more powerfull

When The separations of powers was a key act in what?

Keeping any one branch from having too much power.