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Its lysosomw

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Q: What breaks down and recycles macromolecules in organelles?
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What organelle breaks down and recycles with out cells?

The lysosomes

What is the organelle that breaks down and recycles molecules?

You're mum

What breaks down macromolecules in plants?


Small organelles that are used to digest and breakdown many macromolecules into smaller molecules for use in the cell is called?

Even enzymes are responsible for breaking down the macromolecules for eg. Amylases, proteases

Which organelles Breaks down worn-out organelles?

Lysosomes contain digestive enzymes and break down worn-out organelles.

What organelles breaks down worn- out organelles?

Lysosomes break down worn out organells.It is important in recycling.

What part of the cell breaks down and recycles materials?

That is the lysosomes. They digest and recycle waste in cells

What is the organelles that breaks down sugars to produce energy?


Can macromolecules be broken down by hydrolysis?

yes, and the organelle that dose this is the lysosome of the animal cell

Organelles where energy is released frome broken down food?

the lysosome it breaks down stuff

Recycles damaged organelles?

Cells efficiently recycle a great deal of material. When a structure needs to be turned over the material is typically enveloped into a lysozyme that breaks down the contents by acidification and enzymatic degradation. The building blocks are then re-released into the cytoplasm for re-synthesis.

What is the name of the organelle that contains digestive enzymes which breaks down worn out or damaged organelles waste materials and foreign invaders?

The lysosomes in a cell contain digestive enzyme that breaks down food, waste products, and pathogens. They can breakdown macromolecules like proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. They also break down old organelles and unneeded cell parts. When a cell takes in bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens, lysosomes break them down.