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Lipase is the enzyme that targets lipid molecules.

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Q: What breaks down fats into glycerol and fatty acids?
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What kind of lipid breaks down into glycerol and phosphate?

Phospholipid breaks down into Glycerol, phosphate group and 2 fatty acids

What does lipase break down?

Pepsin is found in the stomach, and breaks down long-chain proteins into shorter amino acids, whilst lipase is secreted into the duodenum by the pancreas to break down fats into their constituent parts: fatty acids and glycerol.

What individual molecule do you get when an enzyme breaks down a fat molecule?

A fat is an ester of three 'fatty acids' and glycerol.

Which is the digestive juice that only acts on proteins?

lipase breaks down fat into glycerol and fatty acids

What do amylase trypsin and lipase break down?

Amylase has a shap which allows it to wrap around and cut up starch. Lipase breaks down the fat to fatty acids and glycerol Amylase has a shap which allows it to wrap around and cut up starch. Lipase breaks down the fat to fatty acids and glycerol

What is a microbial lipase?

microbial lipase is an enzyme produced by micro-organisms ,which breaks down fats to fatty acids and glycerol

What chemical family is lipase?

Lipase is an enzyme that breaks lipid molecules down into a glycerol molecule and fatty acids. It is a protein.

Is protease an enzyme?

No, there is a great difference between lipaseand protease. lipase: digest fats and oils into glycerol and fatty acids. protease: digest protein into amino acids.

What does fat break down into for the body?

Fatty acids and glycerol

Does intestinal juice contain enzymes?

Yes. The enzymes are: - maltase which breaks down maltose to glucose; - lactase which breaks down lactose to glucose and galactose - erepsin which breaks down peptones to amino acids - lipase which breaks down fats to fatty acids and glycerol. :D

What is produced when fat you broken down by lipase?

Fatty acids and glycerol

How are fat broken down?

Fats are broken down by the body into glycerol and fatty acids. The fatty acids are then broken down to glucose to provide the body with energy.