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Im not sure if this is the exact answer your looking for but its a right answer. lysosomes get rid of organelles that are not working or not working to their potential

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Q: What breaks down worn out organelles debris and large ingested particles within the cell?
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What does a lysosome do in a cell?

Found in animal cells, lysosomes are cellular organelles that contain enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris, including old organelles.

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What does the lysosome do in the cell?

Lysosome breaks down and digest complex molecules in the body. Large quantities of lyosomes are in white blood cells and other cells that fight disease or eliminate cell debris.

What is the function of lsosome?

Lysosomes are cellular organelles. The organelles acid hydrolase enzymes, and these enzymes help to break down waste materials and debris.

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What is the function of cilia and flagella?

Cilia and Flagella are hairlike organelles that branch out from the surface of the cell, where they help in the movement. These organelles can be found in any eukaryotic cells.Cilia are present when there are short and large numbers of organelles on the cell. Flagella are present when there are long and few numbers of organelles on the cell.An example of Cilia is on your respiratory tract. Their job there is to trap particles and debris from the air you inhale. As these cilia move, they sweep the debris and materials back up your throat, where they're removed from when you swallow.An example of Flagella is they're on sperm cells. They whip back and forth and swiftly propel unicellular organisms or specialized cells in multicellular organisms.

What does the lysome do for a cell?

Lysosomesare cellular organelles that contain acid hydrolase enzymes to break down waste materials and cellular debris. They can be described as the stomach of the cell. They are found in animal cells, while in yeast and plants the same roles are performed by lytic vacuoles. Lysosomes digest excess or worn-out organelles, food particles, and engulf viruses or bacteria

What are the organelles known as demolition squads?

The organelles known as demolition squads are the lysosomes. They break down waste materials and cellular debris. They are described as the 'stomach' of the cell by some.

What are the little black and white particles in the pool?

debris from trees, rain. ect!

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What are lysomoes?

Lysomoes are cellular organelles which contains acid hydrolase enzymes to break u waste materials and cellular debris.

What is the purpose of a filter in blood transfusion?

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