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All guinea pig breeds have the potential for having the same amount of babies. However, you should not try to breed guinea pigs. Pregnancy is very hard on them, and a pregnant female has a 25% chance of dying from complications even if you do everything right. If you want baby guinea pigs, check online for local shelters and ask around. You can also look on Craigslist to see if someone in the area is selling a litter--lots of people buy missexed pigs from pet stores that don't know what they're doing, and end up with a pregnant female followed by a litter they can't keep. Please DO NOT try to breed them yourself.

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Q: What breed of guinea pig has the least amount of babies?
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Well, females become mature at 4 weeks old, BUT THIS IS NOT A SAFE TIME TO BREED! You should probably breed it at, at least 4 to 5 months. If you breed it at 8 to 10 months than it can kill mother and babies, because the pelvic bones begin to fuse

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If an albino guinea pig is pregnant will she have albino babies?

Well. I had a black guinea pig that had a white baby. It depends on her genetics. Their will probably be at least one white but no one knows exactly what the babies will look like.

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Is my guinea pig to young to be pregnant she is 3 months help me i'm not sure how to care for an underaged requirement pregnant guinea pig?

Your guinea pig is much too young. Guinea pigs become fertile after about 4 weeks, but it's safest for the mother (and her babies) not to be breed before at least 6 months. The best thing you can do is get her checked in with the vet, and ensure she's alone in the cage with fresh bedding and plenty of food and water. Good luck with her.

How many baby do guinea pigs have?

guinea-pigs are expected to produce between 1-6 babies per litter. Anywhere from 1-8 on average 3-4the average is 1-4 in a litter, but it can sometimes be as many as 7My guinea-pig had her second litter early this morning and both times she has had seven babies.Or up to eight, dependsAnswerFor a first birth they often only have one or two. But after that they can have anywhere from2 to 6. The most common number is two.Guinea pigs can have between 3 and 8 babies.A guinea pig can have up to 8 babies in one litter. Their average is 2 to 5.7guinea pigs can have 2 to 6 babies.

Can you have and mate and breed 2 goldfish in a 2.65 gallon tank?

Not happily or healthily. Those goldfish need at least 30 gallons of space to live happily and have a long life. If you do successfully breed your fish, remember to remove the babies ASAP. Goldfish like to eat their babies.