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Q: What brings about decomposition of sugar?
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Related questions

What are examples decomposition?

the examples of decomposition is sugar

Why is charring of sugar irreversible?

Yes, it is a chemical reaction because imply the partial thermal decomposition of sugar.

How could sugar speed up the decomposition process?

Sugar will speed up the decomposition process because sugar does not melt, it will decompose. Decomposing sugar produces oxygen and water that certain bacteria and microbes love and then they are attracted to the area causing more decomposition in that area.

How is heating of sugar and ammonium chloride is different?

The products of the decomposition are different.

Why sugar became black when heated?

Carbon or other black products of the thermal decomposition of sugar are obtained by heating (the process is called thermal dissociation).

What happens when copper carbonate and sugar are heated they are broken down into simpler substances what is the name of this process?

The process is call decomposition.

What is the major export in cuba that brings in most of the money in cubas economy?

cigars and sugar

What is the effect of heat on sugar and salt?

Sodium chloride melts at 801 0C. Sugar melt rapidly and after 180 0C a thermal decomposition reaction occur, the final product being a coke.

Does sugar bring up your cholesterol?

No. The fat content in foods brings up your cholesterol level.

How does chloropyll help plants?

it brings in the sunlight to help the plants make a type of sugar called glucose

Where is decomposition in the forest?

rotting Or decomposition

What is a breakdown of substances into simpler molecules called?
