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provide for justice and the peoples general walfare

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The broad purpose of the US government spelled out in the preamble of the Constitution is to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty for the people of the United States.

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Q: What broad purpose of the us government is spelled out in the preamble of the Constitution?
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Among the broad purposes of the US government spelled out the preamble to the constitution is obligation to what?

Among the broad purposes of the United States government spelled out in the Preamble to the Constitution is the obligation to

How is defense spelled in the constitution?

In the Preamble, it is spelled "defence".

Who wrote the Preamble?

Gouveneur Morris wrote the preamble to the constitution. He also spelled PA wrong. I know this nothing to do with anything but......OBAMA SUCKS!

How Preamble is the key to Indian Constitution?

A discussion on Preamble cannot be complete without making a reference of Mandal Commission case [5], which was decided by a larger bench of nine Judges. A rainbow of judicial thoughts reflecting the significance, value and message of the Preamble. B.P. Jeevan, J. held that the four folding objective of securing to its citizens justice, liberty, equality and fraternity displays statesmanship of the highest order Constitution of India.. The framers of the Constitution did not rest content with evolving the framework of the state; they also pointed out the goal as spelled out in the Preamble and the methodology for reaching that goal is elaborated in parts of the Constitution of India. In the opinion of R.M. Sahai, J. the preamble to the constitution is a turning point in history. The Preamble of the constitution has the sentiments and it is the key to the minds of the framers of the Constitution.

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What type of government does Atlanta have?

A constitutional republic as spelled out in the Georgia State Constitution.

Perhaps the most important ideal in the preamble is the government obligation to secure the blessing of what for its people?

Perhaps the most important ideal in the Preamble is the government's obligation to secure the blessings of liberty for its people. It says: "of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

What powers are expressly given to the states by the US Constitution?

State government powers are not explicitly spelled out in the Constitution

Do the federal government have authority over state government?

In some areas, yes. States rights are spelled out in the Constitution and issues are often ruled on by the Supreme Court.

What were the Constitution strength?

The strength of the Constitution lies in its flexibility and ability to adapt to changing times. It establishes a framework for a strong and stable government while also protecting individual rights and liberties. Additionally, the system of checks and balances ensures that no branch of government becomes too powerful.

Why does the preamble to the constitution say insure domestic tranquility rather than ensure domestic tranquility?

The Constitution has few errors such as its usage if "it's" as opposed to "its". Pennsylvania is misspelled as Pensylvania, as is on the Liberty Bell. The word "choose" was spelled as "chuse". It was written hastily, so some errors slipped through the cracks.

How would power be divided between the state and federal governments?

The powers of the US Constitution were clearly "spelled out" for the most part. In order to satisfy statesmen that the Federal government would not have overwhelming power, the Constitution specifies that all powers not given to the Federal government belonged to the States. That is how power is divided between the States and the Federal government.