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Q: What brought peace between tribes and colonists?
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What happened in 1614 that brought peace between Powhattan Indians and the colonists?

Pocahontas saved John smith and he told the colonists that the Indians were friendly

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They generally forced peace between tribes and brought employment (however humble)

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King Abdulaziz brought peace and prosperity to tribes; before, they were fighting each other.

What jobs did Pocahontas have?

kept peace between the english and the tribes.

Did Pocahontas have jobs?

kept peace between the english and the tribes.

What did Pocahontas do for the colonists?

she helped the colonists by bringing food and fresh water and by making peace between the Indians and English

The great law of peace brought to several tribes by hiawatha helped found what native American nation?

Iriquois Confederacy

What date was the peace treaty signed between the British and the colonists?

July 4th

Was Pocahontas a peace maker if so what did she do?

yes Pocahontas was a peacemaker because she started the peace of Pocahontas and made peace between the Native Americans and the English colonists

Why were British soldiers stationed in the colonies after 1763?

to keep peace between the colonists and Native Americans

How did Pocahontas help make peace between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan?

Pocahantas helped make peace between The Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan because she had married the English colonist John Rofle in the year 1614. John Rolfe wasn't a colonist!! :)

What did the Iroquois Indians study?

From the 1500s on, several tribes joined together in the Iroquois Confederacy, which wrote a peace treaty among themselves which still governs those tribes. Their democratic system inspired the American Colonists' development of the U.S. government.