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Servers usually find a way to hide it but they hate to repeat answers to questions from the menu separately to each customer. Take note of the soup of the day, the salad dressings served, and the other side dish choices that might come with the meal like rice or potatoes, or cole slaw or fries, etc., and how you like your steak cooked. Order smoothly and completely without needing to be prompted and you will get a "wow, thank you" attitude which will not be hidden! The Kindle Book, All About Dining Out, has fun with many other things that bug servers most. What are your top pet peeves?

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Q: What bugs a waitress the most?
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Do bugs cough?

Of coarse not ! Most bugs don't even have throat's!

Do lady bugs hatch from cocoon?

Lady bugs, like most bugs, hatch from eggs.

Are stick bugs flammable?

Most bugs can be successfully set on fire. XD

What is difference in appearance between bed bugs and stink bugs?

Bed bugs are tiny bugs that can be incredibly hard to see in most cases. Stink bugs are on the larger side, and are generally seen outdoors, unlike bed bugs.

What is it like to work as a waitress?

Watch the movie "Waiting" with Ryan Reynolds. This is the most accurate portrayl of life as a waiter/waitress in the casual dining experience.

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Do a bug has wings?

yes most bugs do

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Do you have to be 21 to waitress in Illinois?

It really depends on the envirorment. Such as a bar, you most likely need to be 21 or above due to alcohol. In conclusion, its legal to be a waitress at 18.

What would be under a rock?

I would say uhhh worms and bugs Most likely earwigs, sow bugs, pill bugs and or an occasional centipede if ground is moist.

What do desert frogs eat?

Largebirds and small mammals are the most common predators of a Desert Rain Frog.

What bugs have 3 fangs?

There are currently no known species of bugs or any other type of animal that has 3 fangs. Most bugs that do have fangs will either have 2 or 4 of them.