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Q: What business group sent the Englishmen to Virginia in 1607?
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What business group sent the Englishmen to Virginia in 1609?

It was the London Company that was later renamed the Virginia Company and the year was 1607.

Were there few or little of enslaved africans in virginia in 1607?

Yes. There were few enslaved Africans in Virginia in 1607 because Jamestown had literally just been settled by Englishmen. The Slave Trade had not begun in North America yet.

What business group sent the Englishmen to Virginia in 1607 and what where they looking for?

The settlement of Virginia was organised by the Virginia Company which was set up by royal charter in 1606. The company comprised mostly businessmen, wealthy gentlemen and politicians. The aim of the Virginia Company stockholders was financial profit -they hoped to exploit the wealth of the new land, in particular they hoped for gold and silver in similar quantities to those found by the Spanish in South America.

What is the oldest colony?

Virginia it was founded in 1607

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algonquian, sioun, and the iroquain

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Can you get me a picture of Virginia's colonies flag in 1607

Was Virginia found in 1607?

yes it was found in 1607

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When was Jamestown found?

In 1607, England found Jamestown on the coast of present -day Virginia.

First colony founded in 1607?

It was Virginia. Virginia was founded in 1607 By John Smth for religious purpoes.

What year did England establish the colony of Virginia what year1492 1607 1620 1776?

England established Virginia is 1607