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The Vicerey butterfly is very similar to the Monarch but is smaller and has an extra curved line on the bottom wings. Vicorey butterflies are popular because of their mimicry.Monarch butterflies eat milk weed so when a preditor eats it it poisons the preditor.So when preditors see the Vicorey, they don't eat it.

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11y ago

The most well-known mimic of the monarch in North America is the viceroy.

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What is Viceroy Butterfly?

the viceroy butterfly is a butterfly that mimics the monarch butterfly

Is the monarch butterfly the king of the insect world?

There is a species of butterfly called the Queen butterfly. It's coloration mimics that of the Monarch butterfly. As far as butterflies having queens like ants and bees do, no there cannot be a queen butterfly because butterflies do not form colonies in the same way that ants and bees do.

How does a Viceroy Butterfly mimics a Monarch Butterfly?

Butterflies are harmless. No American Lepidoptera is known to be poisonous to man. I am familiar with the Monarch, Red Admiral and other types. they are harmless and beautiful insects not pesky (Bugs). The Monarch butterfly is poisonous to some animals. The poisons in their bodies is very distasteful to many predators. The viceroy and monarch were once thought to exhibit Batesian mimicry where a harmless species mimics a toxic species. Studies conducted in the early 1990's suggest that the viceroy and the monarch are actually examples of Mullerian mimicry where two equally toxic species mimic each other to the benefit of each. Just goes to show you there's always something new to discover in the natural world!

Do you capitalize Monarch Butterfly or Monarch butterfly?

monarch butterfly

What are the difference between monarch butterfly and viceroy butterfly?

Butterflies and dragonflies both have wings used for flying. However the wings of a butterfly are much larger than dragonfly wings.

What is an example of minicry?

The monarch butterfly eats milkweed and is so bitter to the taste as a result that birds avoid it. The viceroy butter fly mimics the monarch (looks like it) and receives the same protection.

What does the webkinz monarch butterfly look like?

A monarch butterfly. There is no Monarch butterfly silly!

How do you spell monarch butterfly?

The spelling is "monarch butterfly" (plural "monarch butterflies").

When was Monarch - butterfly - created?

Monarch - butterfly - was created in 1758.

How many babies do a monarch butterfly?

monarch butterfly do not have babies . after the nymph open it will be the adults butterfly

Is a monarch butterfly a producer consumer or a decomposer?

A monarch butterfly is a consumer.

What do monarch butterfly feed on?

What do Monarch butterflies feed on