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Fungi; more specifically, yeasts.

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Q: What came first animals or fungi?
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Which two groups are closely related evolutionarily plants and animals plants and fungi fungi and animals?

fungi & animals

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What are four ways fungi are similar to animals?

I only have two ways Fungi can reproduce and so can animals Fungi are made of cells and so are animals

What are between between fungi and animals?

Fungi reproduce asexually. Animals reproduce sexually. Fungi are autotrophs. Animals are heterotrophs. Source= Biology student.

Are fungi animals?

Fungi are not part of the animal kingdom.

What animals are fungi's?

Mushrooms, yeasts, and molds are fungi.

Is fungi an insect?

No. Fungi are their own kingdom of organisms separate from plants and animals. Insects are animals.

How fungi similar to animals?

Fungi and animals are not similar in very many ways. One similarity does stand out, and that is the fact that both animals and fungi have to take in food from outside sources.

How are fungi beneficial to other organisms?

Well, fungi is beneficial to animals because we eat fungi.

Is fungi a invertebrate?

Fungi are neither plants or animals, they are fungi. Once again, fungi are neither invertebrates or vertebrates, they are fungi.

Who came first in earth is animals caveman or god?

According to scientific evidence, animals were the first living beings on Earth, followed by early hominids (cavemen). The concept of God's existence is a matter of faith and varies depending on belief systems.

What did fungi arise from?

fungi came from a mutation of moss my teacher say's