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The last concentration camp Margot Frank was in was the Bergen-Belson concentration camp.

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Q: What camps did margot frank end up in?
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Who went with Anne Frank to the death camp?

The camps split up the males and females, then from there they split them up further. However, Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, somehoe ended up in the same camp

Was Margot get called up by the Gestapo?

Yes, Margot Frank was arrested by the Gestapo along with her family in Amsterdam during World War II. They were eventually taken to concentration camps where most of them perished.

Who receive the call up notice in the diary of anne frank?

Anne Frank's family received a call-up notice for her older sister Margot Frank to report for deportation to a labor camp in Germany. As the entire family would likely be taken if Margot went, they went into hiding in the secret annex in Amsterdam.

What did Margot Frank want to be she grew up?

She wanted to be a nurse in Palestine

Who is the first person in the frank family to be called up by the SS?

The first person in the Frank family to be called up by the SS was Margot Frank, Anne Frank's older sister.

Who did Anne frank look up to and why?

Anne Frank looked up to her elder sister, Margot Frank, because she viewed her as more mature, responsible, and kind-hearted. Anne often mentioned Margot in her diary as a source of inspiration and a role model. Margot's calm and composed demeanor served as a source of strength for Anne during their time in hiding.

What did Anne Frank's sister want to be when she grew up?

One day, when Anne and Margot were talking about the future, Margot admitted that she would like to be a nurse. Some believe she had been studying while in hiding to hopefully reach her dream one day.

Where did the people Anna frank was hiding with end up up?

The people Anne Frank was hiding with in the Secret Annex were eventually discovered and arrested by the Nazis. They were sent to concentration camps, and Anne Frank tragically died in Bergen-Belsen camp in 1945. Her father, Otto Frank, was the only one to survive and later published Anne's diary.

What did Anne Frank think Margot wanted to be when she grew up?

Margot wanted to go into medicine, however she died before she had a change to complete her wish.

What did margot frank wish for?

Margot Frank, the sister of Anne Frank, wished for a world without hatred and discrimination. She longed for a peaceful and just society where everyone could live in harmony.

Did Anne Frank go to concentration camps?

No, Margot Frank and Anne Frank were both deported to the Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp. After Edith Frank had been in detainment in the Gestapo headquarters on the Euterpestraat and then on 3 September 1944, the last train to be dispatched from Westbork to Auschwitz.

What was the Franks departure like Anne Frank?

The Franks went into hiding in July 1942, not long after Margot received a call-up notice from the SS. They spent over two years in hiding until they were discovered in August 1944, arrested, and deported to concentration camps. Anne and Margot died of typhus in Bergen-Belsen a few months before the camp was liberated. Only Otto Frank survived the Holocaust.