

What can't a karyotype show?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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Mutations within a chromosome

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Q: What can't a karyotype show?
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What does a pedigree show that a karyotype does not?

A karyotype shows the number of chromosomes in a species A pedigree shows traits passed through generations.

Describe a normal karyotype and a abnormal karyotype?

A normal karyotype will show all 23 chromosomes at normal growth, and the end will show an either XY (boy) or XX (girl). Karyotypes of people with autosomal diseases and other diseases associated with chromosomes will show abnormalities on that certain chromosome. For example, Down syndrome is caused by a whole extra chromosome on chromosome 21. This extra chromosome can be seen on the karyotype.

Can a karyotype reveal turner syndrome?

Yes. A karyotype will show the chromosomes and an affected person will have XXY instead of XY for a normal male.

What is a karyotype and what type of mutation does it show?

A karyotype is a picture of the chromosomes in a cell. For example, a human cell has 46 chromosomes. In the karyotype, 23 pairs of chromosomes will be shown (23 x 2 = 46). A karyotype can show different types of mutations, depending on which chromosome it affects. For example, Down Syndrome is a trisomy in chromosome 21, so there will be THREE instead of two chromosome 21s. You can research more mutations shown by chromosomes in a karyotype.

What is the chart of chromosomes called?

A karyotype.

A visual display of the chromosomes of a person arranged by size shape and patterns of banding is called?

A karyotype is a visual display of the chromosomes arrangeed by size, shape, and banding pattern.

What is a picture called of all the chromosome in a cell?

A picture of chromosomes is called a "karyotype."

What is a picture that shows chromosomes arranged in pairs is a?


A karyotype shows chromosomes arranged by?

Karyotypes show chromosomes arranged by banding, pattern, size, and shape.

What is a picture of all the chromisomes in a cell?

This is known as a karyogram.

What is An ordered display of an individuals chromosomes is called?


How would the karyotype of an organism that asexually differ from a human karyotype?

The karyotype of the asexual organism would not contain homologous chromosomes