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your dirty filthy face

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Q: What can't the us flag touch?
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There are rule about flying the american flag?

It can never touch the ground if it does you have to burn it or we take your food!

Why cant you touch the American flag?

the american flag is known as something holy technacally. touching it would be a disshoner to everybody in the usa.

One rule about displaying or handling the flag?

The US flag, never let it touch the ground.

What should the US flag never touch?

The ground the ground

Should the US flag ever touch anything beneath it?

No - "The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."

What three things should the US flag never touch?

The U.S. flag should never touch the ground, water, and nothing besides gloved hands

What are two things US flag should never touch?

It shouldn't touch anything but gloved hands

Where shouldn't the US flag touch?

Well it shouldn't touch the ground. Idk ask someone else who has the right answer

A type of football game that does not involve tackling?

Flag football or touch football

What are some disrespectful thing you can do to the American flag?

You cant let the flag touch the ground or that is disrespect of the United States Of America......Never cut or rip the flag....... Always keep the flag in the light, if it is outside in the dark at night that means that our country has fallen........All the other flags have to be lower than the American Flag

What are 3 regulations for folding the US flag?

may not touch the ground, must be folded by two people, must be fold in the flag folding style of folding

Why do you need a flag?

you cant answer.