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1 gallon vinegar, 1 cup salt, 2 tbs salt. Mix in a sprayer and there ya go.

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Q: What can Completely kill all vegetation?
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Which continent is completely barren?

Antarctica is completely barren of all vegetation.

What will sodium chlorate do to your garden?

It will kill all of the vegetation it touches and leave the soil unusable for 6 months.

What are the effects of tornado?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy buildings and vegetation and can kill or injure people and animals.

Why are pesticides used?

Pesticides are used in order to kill insects. If insects get on some types of vegetation, it can kill it.

What has been effected on the vegetation on Mount Etna?

vegetation thrives after 3-4 years of minimal ash fall but less than one year and can kill any vegetation

Does a plateau have a few trees?

Different plateau have different amounts of vegetation. Some are completely bare and treeless, whilst others are filled with trees and vegetation.

How is vegetation affected by acid rain?

Vegetation is affected by acid rain by coming in contact with the acid rain can kill the plants. Hope this helps. :)

What do forest fires destroy?

Forest fires can destroy the whole forest. they can burn down trees kill all animal that do not get out. all vegetation in that forest. basically it could kill the entire forest not counting the animals.

How do tornadoes effect the ecosystem?

They can destroy vegetation and animal habitats and kill or injure animals.

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What effect do tornadoes have on the biosphere?

Tornadoes can damage or destroy vegetation and kill or injure animals.

Do dogs eat possums?

No. Not at all. The only meat they eat are insects, but they prefer vegetation and fruits.