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The thing you need to do is try your best on fixing them

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Q: What can I do to fix a hard sense of a robot?
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What is the most common robot sense?

the most common robot sense

How do you fix the robot?

you play on poptropica

What are negative uses of a robot?

Negative uses would be, If you get a robot to do everything for you them you will grow lazy and also a malfunction may occur in the robot and you wont know how to fix it. Use commen sense and you will come up with nagative uses other than the ones im mentioning. Also, Some people may use a robot to do a crime or hurt someone. :)

How do you fix the robot in Steamworks island?

You find the pie.

How do you mack a real robot?

it hard

How do you fix the robot in steam works island?

beep u

Cheat engine 5.3 screwed up your robot rage how do you fix it?

Suck ma penis, that's how you fix it.

How do you fix the robot in poptropica steamwork island?

Do not be lazy. FIGURE IT OUT! Good luck!

Are computers a robot?

In some sense a computer can be catorgized by a robot. This is because robots have tons of knowledge as do computers. They both can be hepful in useless ways.

What is the world record for robot unicorn attack?

I don't think this makes sense.

What thing we need to make a robot?

hard work and perseverance

Can you make a robot at home?

of course u can... its just a little hard ^^