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If it is just general odor, a deep cleaning shampoo of the interior will do the trick. If it is mildew, you may have to go back over the clearned interior with Lysol.

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Q: What can I do to get a bad smell out of a car interior?
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If the smell of a VW Jetta is bad then there is a possibility of mold inside the vehicle. Water damage can cause bad smell. There can also be a chance of an animal crawling inside and dying. Check the vehicle thoroughly and clean with interior cleaners to rid the car of a smell.

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febreze. think of your lungs too....

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That "new car smell" is not air fresheners - it's the smell of chemicals in various compounds which bond the car and the interior together.

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There are several sprays specially made to clean the smell of car interiors

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The carpets and seats will need to be cleaned if you don't know exactly where the smell is coming from. Using baking soda then vacuuming, or spraying the car interior with vinegar will kill most of the odor. Steam cleaning the interior will work if the baking soda and vinegar leave some of the smell.

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To get a milk smell out of car interior, you can use baking soda on the area and then vacuum up. You may also put vinegar on the spot.

Do bad car batteries smell like sulfur?

i think no

How do you remove the smell of burned rubber from the interior of a car?

take a not dripping but wet cloth and some fairy liqude and scrube the interior and you can also buy a air freshner spray bottle and spray over the interior do this once a day for 3 days are the smell should go

What is wrong with my car?

It could have a blown gasket which causes that smell. And there could be something loose in the interior of the air conditioner.

What could be causing a sweet smell inside the car while the heat is on?

The sweet smell is caused by antifreeze leaking from the heater core. As the hot air passes through the core it evaporates solvents in the antifreeze which have this "sweet" smell. This contaminated air enters the car when you put the heater on. You might try a radiator sealant additive obtained at any car part store. If you interior carpets are wet then the leak is bad and needs immediate attention.

Will a bad heater core make the heat and air stink when the blower is turned onin a 1999 dodge ram?

Yes, it will make the interior smell bad.

Does a bad heater core on a 1997 grand-am always leak into the interior of the car or can it leak out of the engine compartment?

it can leak into engine compartment as well as interior of car. depends where it is leaking