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There are several sprays specially made to clean the smell of car interiors

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Q: How do you get the odor out of car interior from spilled gasoline?
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About a month ago gasoline spilled in my car when I was bringing home a small tank full for my lawn mower. I thought I would never get the overpowering gasoline smell out, but here is what worked for me. It only took about 24 hours and the car was rid of the odor. See the steps here -"How to Eliminate Gasoline Odor in Carpet Without Using Harmful Chemicals

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About a month ago gasoline spilled in my car when I was bringing home a small tank full for my lawn mower. I thought I would never get the overpowering gasoline smell out, but here is what worked for me. It only took about 24 hours and the car was rid of the odor. See the steps here -"How to Eliminate Gasoline Odor in Carpet Without Using Harmful Chemicals

How do you remove odor from car?

depends on what kind. for lighter odor use febreeze or some kind of air freshener. for extreme odor i suggest replacing the all the interior or a new ac conditioner if the car really matters that much

What can I do to get a bad smell out of a car interior?

If it is just general odor, a deep cleaning shampoo of the interior will do the trick. If it is mildew, you may have to go back over the clearned interior with Lysol.

How can you know car is A flooded engine?

Removing the spark plugs and finding the spark plugs soaked with gasoline. Also the engine oil may have a strong odor of gasoline.

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how do you get spilled kerosene out of your car

Could a leak from the engine have a funny odor in the car?

Yes antifreeze is sweet smelling, burning oil stinks and gasoline is, well gassy.

How to remove ozone machine odor from a car interior?

Armor-All the dash, even add a bit to your carpet shampoo when you clean it.

How would you get the smell of gasoline out of your car?

Coffee grounds. Buy some coffee grounds from the store. Spray the area that the gasoline spilled in your car with some water and then rub in the coffee grounds. WAit a few hours or even a day or two and then vaccuum out the coffee grounds. and the smell should be gone!

Why do you get a strong gasoline odor that comes and goes?

you might have a loose gas line fitting that needs to be tightened, check under your car/truck and under the hood

Why would a strong odor of gasoline fumes be coming into the front of your car while driving it 2006 Dodge Durango?

Sounds like your oxygen sensor may be out.

How do you get rid of spilled kerosene odor in car?

leave your windows down as much as you can if you can take out the object it spilled on and wash it if not clean the best you can with carpet cleaner and then spray a lot of air freshener The best air freshener to use is Freshana AIRIA Air Purifier. It will naturally get rid of the smell instantly.