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Most commonly, feeling a pain behind the knee is related directly to the Popliteus muscle. The Popliteus muscle is a very small muscle located behind the knee and should be checked by a doctor.

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something with an anti inflammatory like ibuprofen

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Q: What can I use to treat a pain behind my knee?
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How can I treat a runners knee injury?

Knee pain is the most common complaint among frequent runners. Running is really good for your heart, but hard on your body! Sometimes, knee pain can be caused by wearing worn-out shoes. Try replacing your shoes or using a different brand. You may also be experiencing pain due to the running surface you are using. Try finding a grassy area to run on as pavement causes more force to the body.

Where do I go to find out what to use for knee pain from running?

First, knee pain can be caused by many different things, before you start taking medication, you should go to the doctor and find out the cause of the knee pain. There are also some over the counter drugs for knee pain at any drug store or pharmacy.

How does one treat a sore knee The more walking the more pain?

You have to rest the knee till it recovers. Is there a way you can avoid walking? Can you use a vehicle or even a bicycle? A bicycle would place stresses on different parts of your leg and might take the pressure off your knee. Or see a doctor.

For what medical reasons would one use a knee strap?

The medical reason why one would use a knee strap is to apply pressure to the area below the knee cap. This helps to alleviate knee pain and provide support for tendonitis.

Which are the most effective knee pain treatments?

Other than the traditional "painkiller" tablets, you can use things such as magnets to relieve the pain, or, if you are feeling unconventional; acupuncture. There are also various creams on the market that could relieve your knee pain.

How do you use renal in a sentence?

It is used to treat pain of renal colic.

How can pain clinics help with chronic knee pain?

Pain clinics treat chronic distress through the use of pain medication before undertaking more invasive relief therapies. Physicians evaluate the patient's pain management needs and assign him a treatment plan. Treatment plans may include painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, antidepressants, anti-seizure and other types of medications.

What can one do about knee and joint pain?

Knee pain can be caused by numerous reasons.. As for me, I'm 16 years old, and I had suffered from knee pain for about 3 years before I finally went too see a doctor. My doctor said that my knee caps were dis-positioned, which means that they are not laying properly on the bones in my legs such as other people, which causes great pain and discomfort. She had me go to physical therapy for it, and the therapist had me do exercises to strengthen my legs, (quadricepts, glutes, and calves) which helped to position my knee caps correctly. The best way to find out what to do about any sort of pain is to go see your doctor, or a trained professional.

What are some causes of pain behind the knee?

One may find online radiology tech classes at DeVry University, Hodges University, or even the Pima Medical Institute. These institutes are notarized and accredited places to use.

When does the pain stop after my knee replacement?

It can take a while to heal, which is different for everyone. However, doing the recommended exercises during the healing process will definitely help end the pain and help you regain the use of your knee over that time. Make sure you don't overdo other activities. If the level of pain changes, check in with your doctor.