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In reality it is difficult for humanity to have any influence over the forces of nature. It may be possible to make a small difference to a lava flow by building a dam in from of an advancing flow, in the hole that this will divert the flow round something that you want to protect. Or one could try cooling the flow front with water jets to see if this will cause a diversion.

However expect the lav to overtop theses dams if the flow continues.

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Q: What can be added to the lava to slow it down and make it more like heal lava?
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What can be added to lava to slow it down and make it more like real lava?

To slow down and thicken lava to make it more like real lava, silica-rich compounds like quartz or feldspar can be added. These compounds increase viscosity, making the lava flow more slowly and appear more like natural lava. Additionally, adding small amounts of water can also increase viscosity and make the lava thicker.

What can be added to lava to slow it down?

Adding substances like water, clay, or sand to lava can help slow it down by cooling and solidifying it more quickly. Water can create a crust on the surface, while clay and sand can mix with the lava to thicken it and impede its flow.

What brought about the solidification of volcanic lava?

It simply cooled down. Lava is liquid rock, so when it is exposed it cools and sets, just like melted wax does.

Does lava really glow?

Some types do. Really runny lava, or hot lava, like Hawaiian-type lava, does glow because it's so hot (like when you heat a piece of metal). Really viscous (sticky) lava, however, has a solidifying skin on top because the lava has cooled down. It's sort of like custard (except custard never glows)

What are some examples of lava?

Examples of lava include basaltic lava, andesitic lava, and rhyolitic lava. Basaltic lava is fluid and forms flat landscapes like the Hawaiian Islands, while andesitic lava is stickier and can create steep volcanoes like those in the Andes. Rhyolitic lava is very viscous and can lead to explosive eruptions, forming features like Yellowstone's geysers.

Related questions

What can be added to lava to slow it down and make it more like real lava?

To slow down and thicken lava to make it more like real lava, silica-rich compounds like quartz or feldspar can be added. These compounds increase viscosity, making the lava flow more slowly and appear more like natural lava. Additionally, adding small amounts of water can also increase viscosity and make the lava thicker.

What can be added to lava to slow it down?

Adding substances like water, clay, or sand to lava can help slow it down by cooling and solidifying it more quickly. Water can create a crust on the surface, while clay and sand can mix with the lava to thicken it and impede its flow.

What brought about the solidification of volcanic lava?

It simply cooled down. Lava is liquid rock, so when it is exposed it cools and sets, just like melted wax does.

Does lava really glow?

Some types do. Really runny lava, or hot lava, like Hawaiian-type lava, does glow because it's so hot (like when you heat a piece of metal). Really viscous (sticky) lava, however, has a solidifying skin on top because the lava has cooled down. It's sort of like custard (except custard never glows)

What are some examples of lava?

Examples of lava include basaltic lava, andesitic lava, and rhyolitic lava. Basaltic lava is fluid and forms flat landscapes like the Hawaiian Islands, while andesitic lava is stickier and can create steep volcanoes like those in the Andes. Rhyolitic lava is very viscous and can lead to explosive eruptions, forming features like Yellowstone's geysers.

How does convection works?

this is like warm, less dense air rises while cool more dense sinks. This is like the lava lamp the hot "lava" floats up to the top and and the cooler "lava" sinks down to the bottom and heats up and rises and the cooling stuff at the top is now sinking

What are the cycles of lava?

The cycles are molten rock, lava, and then hardened lava like obsidian.

What are the three types of volcanoes and what are the difference?

cinder strato and shield shield is the least dangerous and the lava slowly flowsa down cinder erupts tephra not lava like a shield and is cone shaped strato is the most dangerous it erupts both tephra and lava

What kind of lava does Haleakala have?

it has aa lava, so it is not fluid like, but still basaltic.

What does lava plume look like on Pokemon?

it looks like the pokemon is bursting lava out from its body.

What type of rock is formed when the lava cools down?

When lava cools down and solidifies on the Earth's surface, it forms igneous rock. This process can lead to the formation of rocks such as basalt, andesite, or rhyolite, depending on the composition of the lava and the speed at which it cools.

Why is a lava lamp shaped like a cone?

A lava lamp is shaped like a cone to allow the wax to rise and fall within the lamp in a visually appealing way. The cone shape helps create a more dynamic and mesmerizing lava flow effect as the wax warms up and cools down.