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it shows he is noble and doesn't care about color

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Atticus Finch's defense of Tom Robinson showcases his strong sense of justice, integrity, and courage. It highlights his commitment to equal rights and fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of race. Atticus's actions demonstrate his moral conviction and determination to uphold what is right, even in the face of adversity.

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Q: What can be deduced about the character of Atticus from his defense of Tom Robinson?
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Why does Atticus's defense of tom Robinson fails?

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Who was the defense attorney in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The defense attorney in To Kill a Mockingbird was Atticus Finch, who defended Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Atticus represents justice, morality, and integrity throughout the novel.

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What does atticus reports?

Atticus Finch is a character in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." He is a respected lawyer who represents Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. Atticus reports on the injustice and racism prevalent in society through his defense of Tom Robinson and his efforts to instill values of empathy and equality in his children, Scout and Jem.

Whose remarks save tom robinson from being lynched?

Atticus Finch's remarks and actions during Tom Robinson's trial ultimately save him from being lynched. Atticus's defense of Tom and his commitment to the truth help to sway the jury and prevent a violent outcome.

What is Atticus reasoning for why he is defending Tom Robinson?

Atticus believes in upholding the principle of justice and providing a fair defense for all individuals, regardless of their race. He sees it as his moral duty to ensure that Tom Robinson receives a fair trial, despite the prejudices and racism present in their society. Atticus believes that everyone deserves a competent defense and a chance at justice.

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Yes, the Tom Robinson case has a significant impact on Atticus's reputation in the community. Despite his strong defense and moral character, Atticus faces backlash and criticism from many of Maycomb's residents due to the racially charged nature of the trial. Atticus's defense of Tom Robinson challenges the deeply ingrained racist beliefs of the townspeople, leading to a tarnishing of his previously esteemed reputation.

How did Atticus become Tom Robinsons layer?

Atticus was appointed as Tom Robinson's lawyer by the court due to the system of providing legal representation to those who cannot afford it. Despite facing pressure and backlash from the community for taking on the case, Atticus believed in upholding justice and providing a fair defense for Tom Robinson.