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For many viral infections, anti-viral medications will help. Tamiflu, for example, when given within 40 - 48 hours of first symptoms, can significantly reduce symptoms and shorten the duration of a bout of the flu. Other types of anti-viral medications help with other types of virus infections. For example, Acyclovir is often prescribed for common viral infections such as a cold sore/fever blister. In many viral infections, time, to allow your immune system to cure the infection, is the only medicine. But, in the interim, while your body does the work to "kill" the virus, symptoms can be treated (such as cough medicine for coughs, fever reducers for fevers, etc.).

"Prevention is the best medicine", is a well-known saying, and it is true. Keeping vaccinations up to date is a crucial component of any plan for infection control. It will not only prevent your infection, but it also provides one less infected person to spread the disease to those who can not take vaccines (such as infants under six months old in the case of flu vaccines, etc.). Proper hygiene is also a crucial part of prevention. See the related question on this page for info on how to wash hands to protect against germs.

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Q: What can be done medically for a person infected with a virus?
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