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Shower immediately after exiting from the pool; the best soap to use is probably Lever 2000.

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because of the klorine in the water it effects peoples skin diffrently

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Take a good bath with fresh water.

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Q: How do you Prevent itch after swimming in chlorinated pools?
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I keep trying to grow out my facial hair but the itch is horrendous and I end up shaving it all off any ideas to prevent the itch Or to help calm the itch when it comes?

If you keep trying to grow out your facial hair, but find the itch is horrendous, do not shave it. The best idea to prevent the itch is to apply a good soothing facial lotion every day. Use of a good hair conditioner on your facial hair will help soften the hair as well.

What are tiny red dots that itch?

This is called swimmers itch. You can get it by swimming in lakes for long periods of time. It's treatable, so go see a doctor to get an anti itch cream or medicine that will stop the swelling. The dots will eventually fade, and potentially disappear. Hope this helps =)

Why do people itch when they go swimming?

the chlorine and other chemicals in the pool cause skin irritations and dryness use lotion

How do you prevent itch?

Frequent handwashing and sterile clothing. Do not share clothing or other bodily fluids.

what is a better sport( swimming or netball)?

Swimming, it helps a lot more for the muscles compared to netball. You are also less likely to get injured when swimming compared to netball

Is it possible that chlorine in a pool can make your head itch?

Yes it can. Not all peoples head itch when swimming in a chlorine pool. If it does you should wear a swim cap or try to keep your head out of the water or just don't swim.

What cases itching after swimming in pool?

chlorine can cause that and if a lot of sun is taken during the pool hours the peeling of the sking can also cause the itch.

Can you protect against swimming pool itch?

Yes, some swimmers are sensative to high chlorine levels, and if the PH is to low many swimmers will experience a dry skin itch. So, keep the chlorine at 3.0 or less and the PH between 7.6 and 7.8.

Why do some people ich after swimming?

Some people with excema, or similar skin conditions, have reactions to the chlorine that causes their skin to itch, burn, or otherwise hurt.

Do you scratch an itch or do you itch an itch?

You scratch an itch! An itch itches. You scratch an itch to remove the pain.

How do i get rid of swimmer's itch?

To get rid of swimmers itch you have to put your swim suit in the dryer to kill the parasite have to do this because when you go swimming in the lake (lake that's dirty and has lots of ducks) the parasite bites you and when it spreads more and it gets into your swim suit and the only way to kill it is to put it into the dryer for 30 to 45 minutes,it also depends on how long until you started getting the itch.

What is the synonym of itch?
