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tell her that she is important and that she shouldn't be treated like that tell her what she can do and how much you can achieve in how many people she can help

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Q: What can be done to help a woman leave an abusive relationship?
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What do you do when you want to be the man of the relationship when your wife beats your profusely?

Stand up for yourself and leave her. Or stop the abuse by defending yourself (try not to hit back, if it can be done) or seek intervention from police or spousal abuse groups. The best thing to do (and it's not that easy, I know) is to leave the relationship if it is abusive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not retaliate, you will regret doing that for the rest of your life. I also agree with the answer above, quite honestly, no relationship can survive what you are going through you would be best to leave now and move on. Make sure you get a solicitor to represent you through the divorce.

What if your friend wants to go back to her boyfriend that abused her?

If you have tried to talk your friend out of going back to her abusive boyfriend then you have done all you can as a trusted and loyal friend and this means your friend is a slow learner. Just let her learn the hard way and be there when she needs a shoulder to cry on the second time around and hopefully she will get the message by then. Young woman (woman of any age) will often want to go back to their abusive boyfriend or husband because they have low self esteem.

How do you leave an abusive husband who threatened to have your child taken away by abusive first husband if you leave him the 2nd one?

WARNING! THERE ARE MISS SPELLINGS IN HERE!!! You just sneek in the night and go to the police station and report what he has done to you, and show them the bruises. You have your child give a testomony to the police about what the father has done, and you give a testomony too. You then fight for his perintal rights to be taken away too. And when you go to remarry then look for these signs of an abusive man: > He likes to control you. > He doesn't trust you. >

What should you do if you're in an emotionally abusive relationship on and off again for 4 years and you keep coming back but you're not strong enough to leave because of your mental state?

It's one of the hardest choices and things you'd ever do, but believe me it have to be done. your gonna have to leave your abuser because if he doesn't get help and admit what he's doing to you he's gonna keep doing it.

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They can be if done the right way, but they can also be abusive.

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He wants to try something that you havent done

Do I leave my boyfriend after he txt another woman after we came back from dinner and a movie he told her good morning sexy how r you this is not the first time he has done things like this?

I would call the other woman and aske her if she is aware that he is in a relationship with you. Most of the time they are not aware because the men play out to be single when they are talking to othe wowen they are intrested in.

How do you help your boyfriend if he has become verbally and physically abusive?

Communicating with your abuser is an art form. It is called "walking on eggshells". If you think the relationship is getting emotionally abusive no need to to walk and do it fast. Once the abuse begins in the cycle, it is hard to get out. The longer the cycle has been spinning the more difficult to leave.

How do you prepare or protect a child of 4 years who's primary residence is with mother that is possibly npd or bpd?

Unfortunately, there is very little that can be done. The court systems are designed to protect the mother/child relationship no matter how abusive it may become.

Would a woman ask a man to break contact with her because she knows she may be tempted to have a relationship with him?

Yes. i have done it as a woman. Sometimes it's hard to mix friendship and love, especially if the love the woman feels is not mutually shared. So yes, if the woman fears that she is tempted ot have a relationship with a man, she will try to break contact with him to save herself the heartache that come with being friends, while she has feelings.

Why would a woman not say its over And not want to talk to you. Even though you have told her to tell you the relationship is done and you would leave her alone.?

It sounds like you are in a power struggle over who finally ends it. If you both know the relationship is over, then just tell her you're done. You each get a feeling of power by pushing the decision to the other person, which will just leave you both frustrated and unhappy that much longer. Be the bigger person, get a nice card or send some flowers that wish her well in her future endeavors. Just make it clear that you won't be a part of them, so you can move forward in your own life.

What was the plot of the flim 'Ride or Die'?

"Ride or Die" follows a woman named Rei who helps her friend Nana escape from an abusive relationship by going on a road trip to confront Nana's ex-boyfriend. Along the way, Rei and Nana's relationship deepens and they confront their own issues and past traumas.