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Charity's are a great way to save species of plants and animals as they often use the money to buy protected areas where the animal or plant can grow/live without being harmed, growing plants in a fake environment with perfect conditions can rise the number of there kind of plant then they can be replanted in there natural habitat. Animals can be bred in captivity and set into the wild to help increase the numbers of there species. unfortunately, some people are more interested in hunting them for money or destroying the plants to make way for something else.

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Q: What can be done to protect plants and animals species from extinction?
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Protect species from Extinction. Zack rose (;


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extinction is when there is no more when it is or has been wiped away. it can happen wiht both plants and animals.

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The extinction of animals is caused by humans killing animals. Extinction of animals may also be caused by pollution or forest fires that are killing off the plants and trees.

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What act protects animal and plants species that are threatened by extinction?

To protect animals and plant species that are threatened by extinction, you can:Let the population (local or national) know the importance of these species (if you do not know, you can easily find information about it on websites).Find out which plant and animal species are endangered and find a local place where you can helpVolunteer at campaigns on free daysFind trustworthy campaigns and donate money to a cause you feel most potentially dangerousSpread awareness to let other people donate to trustworthy campaigns as well

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One thing that is being done to protect the blue bird of paradise from extinction is rebuilding their habitat by planting new plants and trees. There are also many reserves built to give the birds and other animals a safe place to live.