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For one, your DNA, and whatever else might be left in your mouth at the time. So, either some kind of virus or something, or some chemical left in your mouth, but if you are being tested with a swab in your mouth, then they are probably looking for drugs.

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Q: What can be found in DNA from your mouth?
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Can male DNA be found in the mouth of the victim?

Male DNA can be found anywhere a male has touched or had contact with. Answer Yes. DNA can be found in skin cells in the lining of the mouth and the salvia or any bodily fluids.

Is your mouth and finger DNA the same?

All cells have DNA in them. If you take cells from your mouth and finger they would have the same genetic code.

Where DNA found?

DNA is found in the nucleus of a cell. In addition, trace amount of DNA also found in Mitochondria and chloroplast.

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DNA found inside the cells. DNA is inside the nucleus.

Where is the DNA for an found?

DNA is found in the nucleus. However, there is also some DNA is mitochondria and chloroplasts.

What bases found in DNA but not in RNA?

Uracil is found in RNA but not in DNA.

What nitrogenous bases are not found is DNA?

Uracil is not found in DNA but in RNA.

Is DNA found in cells of nucleus in?

Yes,Most of DNA found in nucleus.90% of DNA is in nucleus.

What are found in DNA and rna?

Deoxyribose is the sugar found in DNA. Ribose is the sugar found in RNA.

Which is not found in the mouth pepsin or ptyalin?

Pepsin is not found in mouth!

What types of sugar is found in DNA?

The sugar that is found in DNA is known as deoxyribose.

What doesn't have uracil in DNA?

Uracil is not naturally present in DNA. Instead, it is found in RNA, where it replaces the thymine base found in DNA. Thymine is the corresponding base in DNA and is not found in RNA.