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Q: What can be inferred from the general's behavior in the excerpt He figured out that Rainsford was atop the tree. He recognized that Rainsford would not be easy to catch. He realized it was too late at?
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What can be inferred from the behavior of the audience on the third night of the duke and king and production?

The audience's behavior on the third night, where they heckled and threw things at the performers, indicates dissatisfaction and disapproval with the duke and king's fraudulent and disrespectful performance. This negative reaction suggests that the audience recognized the deception and manipulation by the duke and king, which led to their anger and subsequent disruptive behavior.

What is observable behavior?

Observable Behavior A behavior which can be noted through one of the senses (seen, heard, tasted, smelled, or felt). Observable behaviors are usually described by action words such as touching, walking, saying, or writing. These do not include feelings or intentions which are inferred from other behaviors

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'Inferred County' means that the name of the county is inferred or suggested by where the civil registration district was in that year

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the inferred could be the evolution of life and the scientific ways of orgainization jo:)

The Constitution refers to only three types of unlawful behavior and a fourth may be inferred from the text of a general prohibition?

They are Treason, High Crimes/Misconduct, Bribery, and the 4th implied crime is breach of good behavior (ie: drinking, constant swearing, disregard for fellow citizens)

What is inferred'?

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The voice of a text is?

what can be inferred about the mood, tone, and point of view of the author.

Who inferred that the positive charge is in the nucleus?

Ernest Rutheford inferred that the nucleus if positively charged through the gold foil experiment.

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Information like whether they were mammals, herbivores or carnivores can be inferred.

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The type of contract where the terms can be inferred from the actions of the people involved is called an implied contract. In implied contracts, the parties' actions and conduct create an agreement, even though it may not be explicitly stated in written or verbal terms. The terms of the contract are understood based on the actions and behavior of the parties involved.

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jack is gay