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Q: What can be obtained by the evaporation of sea water?
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How does salt get from the sea?

By evaporation of water sodium chloride is obtained.

How does salt and sugar water evaporation useful in the world?

Salt can be obtained by evaporation of sea water.

How do you get salt from the sea?

Evaporating the water from sea waters crystallized sodium chloride is obtained.

How do you apply the evaporation of salt water to your daily life?

Part of table salt is obtained from the evaporation of sea water.

How do you collect sea salt for cooking?

Be evaporation of water crystalized salt is obtained.

How does sea salt get to you?

Salt is obtained by the evaporation of sea water followed by purification(processes of dissolution/crystallization/recrystallization).

How is salt obtained from sea salt pans?

After the evaporation of water crystalline sodium chloride remain.

How is salt obtained from sea water in pans?

Normally the salt is removed from the water by the process of evaporation, using the sun's rays to remove the water.

What does evaporation increase in sea water?

Evaporation increases salt in sea water

How you get salt out of the water?

Salt is obtained after the evaporation of water.

How is Salt obtained from salt pan?

Salt is obtained after the evaporation of water.

Explain two ways by which table salt can be obtained from sea water?

1. evaporation 2. evaporation there you go sorry i don't actualy know either