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Be evaporation of water crystalized salt is obtained.

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Q: How do you collect sea salt for cooking?
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Related questions

Can sea salt be allowed in cooking?

Yes, sea salt is perfectly ok for use in cooking. Some will even say sea salt is better for you.

Can pool Salt be used in cooking?

No I wouldn't use it for cooking. Get yourself some good sea salt.

When is sea salt used in cooking?

It is only your preference.

What is the salt used for is sea water?

it is used for cooking

What is the salt from sea water used for?

it is used for cooking

How do you collect table salt?

Table salt can be collected from the sea water by evaporation phenomenon.

What is grey salt used in cooking?

gray salt can be used in some cooking recipes

Where was salt founded?

Salt used in cooking is derived from seawater (sea salt) or from layers of salt in mineral deposits (rock salt or mineral salt).

What are two uses for sea salts?

Sea salt can be used in cooking for flavoring food. Also, sea salt has usages for cleaning surfaces too.

Do you use less sea salt than the amount of salt that recipe calls for?

You actually use more sea salt in cooking than one would use kosher or table salt.

The process that turns sea water into fresh water is?

When you boil salt water, the salt will be left behind as a solid. You can collect the water by distillation. For example, if you boil the salt water in a pot with a lid, and leave the lid at an angle, the evaporated water will collect there and fall off - so you can collect it.Desalination is a process that removes some of the salt from water - making sea water drinkable.

What does sea sol do?

Sea salt is salt derived from evaporated sea water. In elemental form, it is NaCl, same as regular salt. But the trace elements in it can give it a distinctive subtle taste (and color) regular table salt does not have. Various kinds of sea salt are currently the "hot thing" in gourmet cooking.