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Why don't you read your course notes?

If you want to get a qualification then you will have to do some work. Don't expect others to spend their time so you can get something without any effort.

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Q: What can be stored within a paragraph.A.tabs and indent B.line spacing and alignment C.shading snd border D.all of the above?
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What are the rulings and spacing in tables?

Rulings are the vertical and horizontal lines inside a table, so excluding the outer border. Spacing can relate to space between the content of a cell and the edge of a cell or the space between each cell and other cells.

What is difference between cellpading and cellspacing in HTML?

Cell Padding is the Padding from the outside of the cell to the inner text. If you added a border to the cell then added cell padding then you'd notice it slowly moving further from the border the higher the padding got. Cell Spacing is the gap between the cells. If you then added a border to all cells then to the table you would notice the cells moving further away from each other and as a result from the outer border of the table.

How many defrent type of tag in css?

If your speaking of properties them about 185 different ones... accelerator azimuth background background-attachment background-color background-image background-position background-position-x background-position-y background-repeat behavior border border-bottom border-bottom-color border-bottom-style border-bottom-width border-collapse border-color border-left border-left-color border-left-style border-left-width border-right border-right-color border-right-style border-right-width border-spacing border-style border-top border-top-color border-top-style border-top-width border-width bottom caption-side clear clip color content counter-increment counter-reset cue cue-after cue-before cursor direction display elevation empty-cells filter float font font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight height ime-mode include-source layer-background-color layer-background-image layout-flow layout-grid layout-grid-char layout-grid-char-spacing layout-grid-line layout-grid-mode layout-grid-type left letter-spacing line-break line-height list-style list-style-image list-style-position list-style-type margin margin-bottom margin-left margin-right margin-top marker-offset marks max-height max-width min-height min-width -moz-binding -moz-border-radius -moz-border-radius-topleft -moz-border-radius-topright -moz-border-radius-bottomright -moz-border-radius-bottomleft -moz-border-top-colors -moz-border-right-colors -moz-border-bottom-colors -moz-border-left-colors -moz-opacity -moz-outline -moz-outline-color -moz-outline-style -moz-outline-width -moz-user-focus -moz-user-input -moz-user-modify -moz-user-select orphans outline outline-color outline-style outline-width overflow overflow-X overflow-Y padding padding-bottom padding-left padding-right padding-top page page-break-after page-break-before page-break-inside pause pause-after pause-before pitch pitch-range play-during position quotes -replace richness right ruby-align ruby-overhang ruby-position -set-link-source size speak speak-header speak-numeral speak-punctuation speech-rate stress scrollbar-arrow-color scrollbar-base-color scrollbar-dark-shadow-color scrollbar-face-color scrollbar-highlight-color scrollbar-shadow-color scrollbar-3d-light-color scrollbar-track-color table-layout text-align text-align-last text-decoration text-indent text-justify text-overflow text-shadow text-transform text-autospace text-kashida-space text-underline-position top unicode-bidi -use-link-source vertical-align visibility voice-family volume white-space widows width word-break word-spacing word-wrap writing-mode z-index zoom

What is border state?

a state border is the border of state

What is an element of the security force?

border guards

What country does South Africa border to the north Zambia or Namibia?

It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.It borders Namibia. It does not border Zambia.

How do you display a border in a CSS syntax?

In CSS syntax, you can control the display of a border through many different properties depending on your needs. Properties that control the border include: border, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left, border-style, border-color, border-width, border-top-color, border-top-style, border-top-width, border-right-color, border-right-style, border-right-width, border-bottom-color, border-bottom-style, border-bottom-width, border-left-color, border-left-style, and border-left-width. With these numerous properties you can control each side of the border differently. The properties of border, border-width, border-style, border-color, border-top, border-right, border-bottom, and border-left are all shorthand properties in that you can specify multiple declarations in one property as opposed to setting each individual property separately. Let's say you were wanting to put a 1 pixel, blue topaz, dashed border around all paragraphs. In your style sheet you would do: p { border: 1px dashed #0198E1; } That's the shorthand way to do it, which is the more common way. The following would result in the same thing but takes up more space then the above single declaration. p { border-top-color: #0198E1; border-top-width: 1px; border-top-style: dashed; border-right-color: #0198E1; border-right-width: 1px; border-right-style: dashed; border-bottom-color: #0198E1; border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: dashed; border-left-color: #0198E1; border-left-width: 1px; border-left-style: dashed; }

What is homophone of border?


What type of dog do you get in Fable two?

It depends on the alignment of your character. The colour will vary in between golden and black depending on your goodness or evil levels. but the breed, is a border collie.

What is border in French?

Border (as in the border between countries) in french is 'frontière'. ie; to cross the 'border'- passer la 'frontière'.

What is the border for Peru?

a normal border like any other other border

Alaska's border is closer to which country?

Canada. Its border with Russia is a maritime border.