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If you are having actual migraines, you can ask your doctor for a prescription. Medications such as Fiorocet are effective for many people with migraines. If they are regular headaches, try regular Excedrin, but drink a soda or cup of coffee. One of the main ingredients in many migraine meds, including Excedrin Migraine, is caffeine. It can help take the edge off of a headache or migraine.

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Each patient's medical history as well as the other medicines that patient is taking, and at what dosages, must be taken into consideration when deciding which medicines are safe to take with another medicine. There is no right or wrong answer to this question without further information. There are online drug interaction tools which may be used by those without access to a physician, but these are not able to take medical conditions into consideration.

For best results in diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and other headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache and Migraine specialist.

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Can you take Excedrin migraine with melatonin?

Yes but the caffeine in Excedrin will keep you awake instead of help you sleep.

Is excedrin migraine back?

Yes, Excedrin Migraine is back on store shelves.

Is excedrin migraine legal in the United Kingdom?

Yes, Excedrin Migraine can be sold legally in the UK. Excedrin Migraine contains Paracetemol, Aspirin, and Caffeine. They are all ingredients in many over-the-counter preparations sold in the United Kingdom.

Can you take excedrin migraine and imitrex within 12 hours?

Yes, you can take Excedrin Migraine and Imitrex within 12 hours. You can even take them at the same time. Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. All of these are safe to take with Imitrex - which is a triptan medication and works by a different mechanism than the medicines in Excedrin Migraine.

What is a substitute for excedrin migraine?

3 Motrin

What has happened to Extra Strengtn Excedrin?

I think it just turned into Excedrin Migraine. Maybe?

Can you take Excedrin Migraine and Relpax together?

You take Relpax at the very onset of a migraine. If that does not work in a couple of hours, yes you could take some Excedrin.

Why has Excedrin Migraine been recalled?

Excedrin Migraine has been reported to have been recalled as a result of the chance that prescription pain killers may have been mixed into the distribution.

Why is Excedrin Migraine not sold in Canada?

Excedrin Migraine containsacetaminophenand aspirin. In Canada itis illegal (since 1986) to sell or import for sale anyanalgesicthat containsacetaminophenand aspirin together.

Can you take methadone and excedrin migraine together?

Yes, you can take methadone and Excedrin Migraine together. Methadone is a synthetic opiate medication used to treat pain and also combat the withdrawal symptoms of heroin. It is used to treat heroin withdrawal because it puts an opiate in the system of the patient, but does not provide the euphoric rush that heroin does. Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (an NSAID), and caffeine. None of the ingredients in Excedrin Migraine should interfere with methadone use.

Are Excedrin migraine pills drowsy?

No. Pills don't get drowsy.

Why can't I purchase Excedrin for migraine?

It's been recalled.