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Q: What can breathing concrete dust do to you?
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What are the side effects of inhaling concrete dust?

Not likely. While breathing concrete dust and soot is not good for you, harmful effects generally would come from prolonged exposure over a period of months of breathing high dust levels. Next time, visit the hardware store for a disposable respirator and a small spray bottle. Use a mist of clean water to hold down the dust, and the respirator to keep from breathing it. While we can't make a medical diagnosis, your symptoms sound more like the flu. Go see a doctor.

How can you keep from breathing the dust after a volcano eruption?

Wear a dust mask

Can concrete dust clean up motor oil?

no it can't. But cat-litter can, use that. but sorry concrete dust wont work.

How was the atmosphere affected by Hurricane Katrina?

Dust and Concrete from the houses got into the water during the Hurricane Katrina and affected the animals in the water, but mostly affected the Atmosphere because alot of people were breathing the air.

How is a sore throat formed?

Breathing dust and no water.

What health problems mainly occured during the dust bowl?

Circulatory problems from breathing dust

What kind of noun is dust?

Dust is a common, uncountable noun.Use: There is dust on the table.Not There are dusts on the table.

How do you clean concrete dust from window screen?

You don't

Does dust pneumonia make you stop breathing?

it dose stop breathing a whole breath but you can still breath.

Is breathing a concrete noun?

Yes, as a gerund, 'breathing' is a concrete noun, a word for the process of inhaling and exhaling; a word for a physical process.The word 'breathing' is the present participle, present tense of the verb to breathe, which also functions as an adjective.

Can use stone dust as a filler material for bituminous concrete?

yes,we can use stone dust as a filler material for bituminous concrete because of its good bonding power with the bitumen.

Why and how did a diseased lung become black?

From breathing coal dust.