

What can butter be replaced with?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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13y ago

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cooking oil or milk and mayonaise trust worthy it works

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Q: What can butter be replaced with?
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Can fat be replaced in foods?

yes. fats such as butter can be replaced with margarine. because butter contains animal fats which are saturated and margarine contains vegeatble fats which are unstaurated therefore healthier. saturated fat can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

With a cookie recipe butter has replaced ghee butter and mix is too crumbly. How do you improve this?

Ghee butter is clarified so there is no dairy in it. You need something that is going to hold your cookies together. Instead of butter, you can use vegetable shortening, or if you want to cut down on fat content, you can use applesauce.

What south park character is recently replaced with butter?

Because Kenny McCormic dies Butters replaces him

Is the butterbeer from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter suitable for vegans?

No, it contains butter. The butter can be replaced with dairy-free margarine to make it vegan. For a butterbeer cookie recipe, click on the link below -

What role do butter and shortening have in a pie crust?

Flour used for pie dough is all-purpose flour. This flour type is versatile for making a pliable, dense dough that will keep firm.

Can you substitute vegetable shortening for oil?

not for creaming sugar or for making a laminated dough. In general vegetable shortenings aren't that healthy and should be replaced by butter.

Are Frito Lay peanut butter crackers being replaced with munchies brand peanut butter crackers?

yes, but they are still a Frito lay product. munchies is a namebrand owned by Frito lay. the new Munchie crackers are just an improved version of the old crackers.

Can you replace shorting with butter in pound cake recipe?

Yes, butter can be substituted for shortening in most recipes. The resulting product will have more intense flavor, but may be a bit flatter or thinner. When using salted butter, one should also reduce the additional salt called for in the recipe.

Do you have to have shortening and buttermilk to make biscuits?

The shortening can be replaced with butter of margarine. One can replace buttermilk with regular milk or you may add a teaspoon of vinegar to the milk which will make it curdle.

Why is the Peanut Butter Jelly Time sung by a banana?

There is peanut butter in peanut butter jelly sandwhiches because, it tastes good with it and because it is in there it is part of the name. i think because it's called a PEANUT BUTTER and jelly sandwich. if you call it and peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no peanut butter it would be kinda weird! I totally agree with you! after all, the ancient Mayans did know what they were doing