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Q: What can carbon bind with?
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Does carbon monoxide bind to hemoglobin or oxygen better?

Carbon monoxide bind easily to hemoglobin.

What does hemogoblin bind easily to?

Carbon monoxide and oxygen.

What two gases bind to hemoglobin?

Oxygen and carbon monoxide

Does oxygen and carbon dioxide bind to different parts of hemoglobin?


Does CO2 bind at the same site on the hemoglobin molecule as O2 If not where does CO2 bind?

No. Carbon monoxide binds to the same site as oxygen, i.e. the central iron. Carbon dioxide binds to the globin molecule.

Why is it possible to form molecules made of thousands of carbon atoms?

Because carbon can bind to itself (in multiple ways).

For what purpose do plants acquire carbon dioxide?

to bind it into sugars that store energy

What small molecules bind to hemoglobin?

Carbon dioxide and BPG bind to amino acids located on hemoglobin. Oxygen molecules bind to the iron molecules located in the heme. Each hemoglobin molecule can carry up to four oxygen molecules, one on each of the four iron molecules. Nitric oxide can also bind to hemoglobin when either oxygen or carbon dioxide are bound to the hemoglobin.

What molecule can bind to rubisco and inhibit carbon fixation rates?

Molecular oxygen (O2)

Why carbonic acid is an inorganic compound?

inorganic ;as hydrogen atom is not covalently bind with carbon atom

Is carbonic acid an inorganic compound?

inorganic ;as hydrogen atom is not covalently bind with carbon atom

What are primary and secondary alcohols?

If the C atom bind to -OH only have 1 carbon chain it is a Primary Alcohol.Eg- CH3-CH2-OH If the C atom bind to -OH is binded to 2 carbon chains it is a secondry alcohol.Eg- OH l CH3-CH-CH3 If the C atom bind to -OH is binded to 3 carbon chains,it is a tritiary alcohol.Eg- OH l CH3-C-CH3 l CH3