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I have the same thing. Do not worry. I have had it for a few months and my health is still fine. Soon I will try putting a warm rag on it.

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Q: What can cause a hard lump inside lower jaw?
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Usually that can be a pimple on the inside of the nose.

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A lump on the back of the head could be a simple knot from hitting your head on something like a cabinet. It could also be a cyst. A doctor is the only person who can diagnose the lump.

Would gout cause a hard lump on top of your foot?

Yes it sure can. Uric acid can build up that much.

What is the lump on my neck on the inside of jaw?

The lump on your neck on the inside of the jaw could be an infection. It is important that you seek medical attention ASAP.

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I have a lump too in the same place but its not oozing anything and the lump is inside the skin. maybe yours is just a pimple or infection cause it oozes. mine is maybe a vein that burst cause it gets bigger when I touch it

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How do you find out what the lump is on your lower back?

go to a docter