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Q: What can cause a positive result in a fecal occult blood test?
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A kidney stone ; see related link .

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No, it WILL cause a true positive for amphetamines.

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Can diabetes cause false positive alcohol test results?

No, diabetes has no effect on blood alcohol content. That depends on what type of test you are referring to... Acetone (or other ketones) in the blood/body, whether because of Diabetes, other illness, or some Diets CAN, and often DOES cause false positive alcohol test results if tested with a Breathalyzer. It may not affect the actual blood alcohol content, but it CAN cause false positive test results... THAT is why the result is called a FALSE positive.

If Colour of stool is brownish and occult blood is trace?

Presence of occult fecal blood in stool is often used as an indicator of peptic ulcers or colorectal cancer, depending on what other signs/symptoms are present. It's important to note that a POSITIVE test for occult blood does NOT automatically mean cancer. It is simply a sign that needs further investigation, usually by an colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy or endoscopy to establish the root cause.

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No, UTI does not cause a false positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests are very specific to hCG (the pregnancy hormone), if the test reads positive you are pregnant.

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no, but it will cause a positive result for opiates (heroin).